وجود شاغر وظيفي (مبرمج عدد 1)
22 مايو 2023

اعلان شاغر وظيفي تعلن جامعة الاستقلال في اريحا عن وجود شاغر وظيفي (مبرمج عدد 1) وذلك ضمن الشروط التالية :
The Job Overview Al-Istiqlal University is seeking a dedicated Drupal/WordPress developer to join its growing team of developers. You will collaborate with other site engineers, designers, and content writers to create a compelling and eye-catching website. We hope that as a Drupal/WordPress developer, you can put your passion for web development to work creating a beautiful and efficient website.
Duties and Responsibilities
• Developing and maintaining web-based PHP applications.
• Build innovative applications in collaboration with the User Experience (UX) team.
• Writing good, consistent, and valid HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
• Participate in preparing and maintaining all the university’s active web apps.
• Utilizing back-end data services.
• Playing a key role in the entire web application development life cycle right from concept stage to delivery and beyond.
• Conveying effectively with all task progress, evaluations, suggestions, and schedules, along with technical and process issues.
• Documenting the development process, architecture, and standard components.
• Coordinating with related departments and developers.
• Keeping on top of new trends and best practices in web and Laravel development.
• Drupal / WordPress related duties:
- Develop wireframes and core site structure using Drupal/WordPress.
- Adjust site parameters as needed.
- Provide high-speed and reliable site assets.
- Offer best practices for site hosting and maintenance.
- Deliver a simple template for posting news, blogs, pictures and video content.
- Manage all uploaded media under compliance requirements.
- Offer feedback regarding development processes.
- Work with other development team members to ensure at least 99% site uptime.
- Troubleshoot any site-loading delays, UI/UX bugs, and other errors or issues as they arise.
- Implement site changes and technical team feedback as it is finalized into deliverables.
Candidate qualifications
Below are the needed candidate qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer programming, software engineering, or a related technical field.
• Extensive experience with PHP scripting and frameworks especially Laravel.
• Three years’ experience in developing eCommerce websites, creating passion projects, or other means of developing expertise and familiarity with Drupal 8 and/or WordPress, HTML5, CSS, or other forms of web-based and Drupal/WordPress development.
• Knowledge of Drupal/WordPress implementation best practices.
• Familiarity with building and managing a content management system (CMS) including managing regular site updates and back-end upgrades.
• Implement all agreed resources to provide a responsive and visually appealing website and easy-to-use interface.
• Strong troubleshooting and analytical skills.
• Creative problem-solving abilities.
• SQL knowledge and understanding of database design.
• Keen attention for details.
• Clear and concise communication skills—both written and verbal.
• Excellent time and project management skills.
• Knowledge in Java web development using JSF and Prime faces is a plus.
لتقديم الطلبات يرجى تعبئة نموذج طلب التوظيف في دائرة الموارد البشرية في الجامعة ، علما بأن موعد تقديم الطلبات يبدأ يوم 25/05/2023 و ينتهي يوم 05/06/2023.

المزيد من الإعلانات

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