external evaluator for the ICT4EDU Project: Enhancing ICT Competencies of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries
07 يناير 2024

In the framework of Erasmus + project, entitled “Enhancing ICT Competencies of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries” with acronym“ICT4EDU”.
The University of Jordan, general project coordinator is currently looking for an external evaluator for the ICT4EDU Project: Enhancing ICT Competencies of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries.

ICT4EDU Project is a three-year project, co-funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the University of Jordan, Amman – Jordan.
The projectaimsto ensure that newly graduated student teachers are able to teach using ICT and to improve the digital literacy of teachers and students’, especially in dealing with children with special educational needs or disabilities, as ICT plays a key role in facilitating their educational process. The cross-national implementation of the (ICT4EDU) project is essential for defining practices and influencing policies and curricula in schools of education and the integrating ICT teacher training to meet the needs of digitally literate youth and children.

The main objective of the (ICT4EDU) project is to improve the quality of ICT competencies of early childhood teacher’s educators in the (9) higher education institutions in Jordan, Palestine and Egypt in line with the advanced EU practices and thereby increase the quality of education in preschools in Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. 
An independent external evaluation of the project will be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in terms of its objectives. The evaluator shall make an overall independent assessment about the performance of the project (including structure, management, activities, outcomes and results), as well as provide recommendations for continuance and sustainability, identify key lessons and propose suggestions for possible follow‐up actions.

Details of the call:
The implementation of the External Quality Evaluation of the Project includes:
1- The use of independent tools (e.g. questionnaires, personal interviews) to assess the implementation of the project and its deliverables;
2- The preparation of 3 annual External Quality Report as described in the Quality and Evaluation Plan of the Project;
3- Any other contribution to the project that derives from the Quality and Monitoring
4- Plan and its possible future amendments or specific requests made by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Agency).

Deliverables of the implemented work: 3 Quality Assessment reports
Duration: From the day of the signature of the agreement until 31/01/2026
Candidates are invited to send their CVs, application formand motivation letters by 15/01/2024
ICT4EDU Project email address: ict4edu@ju.edu.jo (Contact phone 96265355000, Ext. 22816).
Please do not hesitate to share this call among your colleagues and partner institutions.

Download the Terms of Reference and Application Form    here.

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