وهيب ابوعلبة

كلية العلوم الإدارية و المعلوماتية - قسم امن المعلومات

د. وهيب ابوعلبة

أستاذ مساعد
الخبرات العملية

  • Bachelor’s in computer science, AABU, Jordan 2004.
  • Master’s in computer science, AABU, Jordan 2009.
  • Ph.D. information systems / Cybersecurity, UTM, Malaysia 2018.


  • Bachelor’s in computer science, AABU, Jordan 2004.
  • Master’s in computer science, AABU, Jordan 2009.
  • Ph.D. information systems / Cybersecurity, UTM, Malaysia 2018.

المنشورات / مؤلفات

  • Daraghmi, Y. A., Helou, M. A., Daraghmi, E. Y., & Abu-ulbeh, W. (2022). IoT-Based System for Improving Vehicular Safety by Continuous Traffic Violation Monitoring. Future Inte
    14(11), 319.
  • Abualigah, L., Al-Okbi, N. K., Mirjalili, S., Alshinwan, M., Al Hamad, H., Khasawneh, A. M., ... & Gandomi, A. H. Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm, Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm, Aquila Optimizer, Gray Wolf Optimizer, and Sine Cosine Algorithm: A Comparative Analysis Using Multilevel Thresholding Image Segmentation Problems. In Handbook of Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm (pp. 241-263). CRC Press.
  • Abu-Ulbeh, W., Wahsheh, F., Mohamed, R., Bagalatti, M., Liban, A., & El-Ebiary, Y. Using RFID Technology in The Retail Industry to Manage Inventory. NeuroQuantology 2022; 20 (5): 4898-4913.
  • Abu-Ulbeh, W., Amayreh, K., Mohamed, R., Bagalatti, M., Liban, A., Wahsheh, F., & El-Ebiary, Y. Improving Malaysian Online Shopping Platforms to Keep Pace with Global Development. NeuroQuantology 2022; 20 (5): 4890-4897.
  • Khasawneh, A. M., Helou, M. A., Khatri, A., Aggarwal, G., Kaiwartya, O., Altalhi, M., ... & AlShboul, R. (2022). Service-centric heterogeneous vehicular network modeling for connected traffic environments. Sensors22(3), 1247.
  • Abu-Ulbeh, W., Altalhi, M., Abualigah, L., Almazroi, A.A., Sumari, P. and Gandomi, A.H., 2021. Cyberstalking Victimization Model Using Criminological Theory: A Systematic Literature Review, Taxonomies, Applications, Tools, and Validations. Electronics10(14), p.1670.
  • Almandeel, S., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hatamleh, A., Thaher, K., Amayreh, S.B., Pande, B. and El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., 2021. The Role of Leadership in Industrial Revolution (Ir 4.0) Achievement and Creative Thinking Strategies. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
    , 12(1), pp.15-24.
  • Abu-Ulbeh, W. and ALsolami, E., 2021. New Survey on Cyberstalking Victimization Using Routine Activities and Lifestyle Exposure Theories. Solid State Technology64(2), pp.268-279.
  • Abu-Ulbeh, W. and ALsolami, E., 2020. Cyberstalking Victimization Model Using Two Domains of Criminological Theory. Solid State Technology63(5), pp.9841-9852.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Mjlae, S.A., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hassan, A.H., Bamansoor, S., Saany, S.I.A., 2020. The Effectiveness of Management Information System in Decision-Making. Jou
    al of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences, 15
    (7), pp. 316-327.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Mjlae, S.A., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hassan, A.H., Bamansoor, S. and Saany, S.I.A., 2020. Use Decision Support System to Efficiently Select Suppliers. Jou
    al of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences
    , 15(7), pp. 306-315.
  • Saany, S.I.A., Mjlae, S.A., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hassan, A.H., Bamansoor, S. and El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., 2020. Knowledge Management System Efficiently and Effectively in The Enterprise System. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13
    (3), pp. 1092-1101.
  • Almandeel, S., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hassan, A.H., El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Bamansoor, S. and Mjlae, S.A., 2020. The Proficiency and Adequacy of Leadership in Operational Administration Level in Association. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13
    (3), pp. 1165-1170.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Hassan, A.H., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hafiz, Y.M. , Almandeel, S. and Pandey, B. 2020. Emergent Leaders and Transformational in Effective Leadership Development in Information Technology. TEST Engineering & Management, March-April, pp. 17057-17102.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Ebrahim, H.M., Hafiz, Y.M. , Pandey, B. and Almandeel. 2020. Extending the Information Systems Success Model with Transformational Leadership and Compatibility. TEST Engineering & Management, March-April, pp. 17110-17117.
  • Almandeel, S., El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Hassan, A.H., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Hafiz, Y.M. and Pandey, B. 2020. ICT and Leadership Styles-Level of Leadership Competence of Educational Leaders. TEST Engineering & Management, March-April, pp. 17077-17085.
  • Yusoff, M.H., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Saany, S.A., El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Bamansoor, S. and Pandey, B. 2020. E-Business Possibilities for Homeworker Businesses at Malaysia. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8
    (3), pp. 4869-4874.
  • Abu-Malloh, R., Al-Serhan, H.M., Ibrahim, O.B. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2010. Arabic part-of-speech tagger: An approach based on neural network modeling. Master's thesis, AlBalqa Applied University.
  • Kharabsheh, B., Megdadi, M.H. and Abu-ulbeh, W., 2018. The Relationship between Stock Retu
    s and Trading Hours: Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Engineering & Technology
    7(3.21), pp.89-92.
  • Rafi’i Al Abdulraheem, A., Abumalloh, R. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2018. Evaluation of Jordanian Banks Websites Usability. Inte
    ational Jou
    al of Engineering & Technology
    7(2.29), pp.826-829.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Abu-Ulbeh, W., Alaesa, L.Y.A. and Hilles, S., 2018. Mobile Commerce in Malaysia—Opportunities and Challenges. Advanced Science Letters24(6), pp.4126-4128.
  • El-Ebiary, Y.A.B., Najam, I.S.M. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2018. The Influence of Management Information System (MIS) in Malaysian’s Organisational Processes—Education Sector. Advanced Science Letters24(6), pp.4129-4131.
  • Abumalloh, R.A., Al-Sarhan, H.M. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2016. Building Arabic Corpus Applied to Part-of-Speech Tagging. Indian Jou
    al of Science and Technology
    9(46), pp.1-9.
  • Abumalloh, R.A., Al-Sarhan, H.M., Ibrahim, O. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2016. Arabic part-of-speech tagging. Jou
    al of Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems
    3(2), pp.45-52.
  • Al-Aghbari, A., Abu-ulbeh, W.A.U., Ibrahim, O. and Saeed, F., 2015. The readiness and limitations of e-gove
    ment in Yemen. Ju
    al Teknologi
  • Elssied, N.O.F., Ibrahim, O. and Abu-Ulbeh, W., 2014. An improved of spam E-mail classification mechanism using K-means clustering. Jou
    al of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology
  • Waheeb, A. and AlQadi, Z., 2009. Gray image reconstruction. Eur. J. Sci. Res17, pp.167-173.

الجوائز ومراتب الشرف

  • Best poster presentation - 3rd Inte
    ational Conference on Science, Engineering and the Social Sciences (ICSESS) 2017, UTM - Malaysia.
  • Best paper presentation – (AIMC-2017-STE-198) ASIA Inte
    ational Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC) 2017,  UTM - Malaysia.
  • Best paper presentation - (AIMC-2017-SSH-199) ASIA Inte
    ational Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC) 2017, UTM - Malaysia.

الخبرات العملية

  • Company’s Name: Hisham wadi contracting Est., Dead Sea - Jordan Position: Data Entry, Specialization/Industry : Contracting, January 2004 ــ May 2005.
  • Company’s Name: Ministry of education, Irbid - Jordan Position: Computer teacher, Specialization/Industry: Education, August 2005 – June 2006.
  • Company’s Name: USAID, Rule of Law project, Jordan Position: Client support specialist - consultant, Specialization/Industry: IT, July 2007 - May 2011.
  • Company’s Name: Libyan Inte
    ational Schools Position: Computer Teacher, Specialization/Industry: Education, September 2015 – June 2017.
  • Company’s Name: University Technology Malaysia - UTM Position: Teacher and Research Assistance, Specialization/Industry: Education, September 2011 – March 2018.
  • Company’s Name: Al-Aon for lea
    ing and creativity Position: IT and Programming Teacher, Specialization/Industry: Education, February 2019 – February 2020.
  • Company’s Name: Faculty of Information Technology - Palestine Ahliya University Position: Assistant Professor Information Technology, Specialization/Industry: Education, February 2020 – July 2020.
  • Company’s Name: Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics – Amman Arab University Position: Assistant Professor of Cyber Security, Specialization/Industry: Education, September 2020 – August 2021.
  • Company’s Name: Faculty of Information Technology – Al-Istiglal University Position: Assistant Professor of Cyber Security dept., Specialization/Industry: Education, September 2021 – UpToDate.


  • Company’s Name : Ministry of education, Irbid - Jordan Position : Computer teacher, Specialization/Industry :Education, August 2005 – June 2006.
  • Company’s Name: Libyan Inte
    ational Schools Position: Computer Teacher Specialization/Industry : Education, September 2015 – June 2017.
  • Company’s Name: University Technology Malaysia - UTM Position : Teacher and Research Assistance, Specialization/Industry: Education, September 2011 – March 2018.
  • Company’s Name: Al-Aon for lea
    ing and creativity Position : IT and Programming Teacher, Specialization/Industry: Education, February 2019 – February 2020.
  • Company’s Name: Faculty of Information Technology - Palestine Ahliya University Position: Assistant Professor Information Technology, Specialization/Industry: Education, February 2020 – July 2020.
  • Company’s Name: Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics – Amman Arab University Position: Assistant Professor of Cyber Security, Specialization/Industry : Education, September 2020 – August 2021.
  • Company’s Name : Faculty of Information Technology – Al-Istiglal University Position: Assistant Professor of Cyber Security dept., Specialization/Industry : Education, September 2021 – UpToDate.