نسرين القاضي

الكلية المتوسطة للدراسات الأمنية - قسم العلوم الإدارية والمعلوماتية

د. نسرين القاضي

أستاذ مساعد

  • 07/2016   PhD in Sciences and technologies of forest and environmental management/ Plant diversity in West Bank: strategic tools for Conservation and Management/ TUSCIAUniversity,Viterbo- Italy,
  • 06/2012MasterDegreein Medical Laboratory Science/ Diagnosticmicrobiology and immunology track / Al-Quds University, AbuDeis- Palestine,
  • 06 /2007Bachelor of life science/ minor medical technology / Al-Quds UniversityAbu Deis- Palestine.

الخبرات العملية

Al-Istiqlal University                                                             2018/ present


  • Head of the department of forensic sciences  2020-2021
  • Instructor at Law Faculty


Jericho gove
ment hospital - Jericho Palestine            

  • laboratory technician

EPAC Association at Viterbo prison, stradastatale               2017
 SS. salvatore, 14B-ViterboItaly

  • Operator in cultural mediation


CiesOnlus Ong Roma, Via Merulana198                              2016
 (www.cies.it) - RomeItaly;

  • Operator in cultural mediation


Vivadent dental studio, Via Santa Maria in Gradi             2016
Viterbo Italy;

  • Assistant chair

ErinnaAssociation(www.erinna.it)-Viterbo Italy             2017

  • Operator in Cultural Mediation and Interpreter

   Al-Razi lab-JerichoPalestine                                        2012-2013

  • Lab Technician (part time)

   The primary school –Jericho Palestine                         2008


  • أسس علم الاحياء (نظري )
  • أسس علم الأحياء (عملي)
  • السلامة المختبرية الاسعافات الأولية
  • علم الدم
  • مناهج البحث العلمي
  • أخلاقيات العلوم الجنائية
  • الإسعاف الطبي الطاريء


المداخلات العلمية / مؤتمرات

  • 18 th -21 th April, 2018: The 10 th Inte
    ational Palestinian Conference of Laboratory Medicine (The
  • 15 th Arab Conference of Clinical Biology) - RamallahPalestine;
  • - 24 th October 2015: forest Landscape Restoration: a new approach to mitigate soil erosion-
  • MilanItaly;
  • - 17 th -18 th February 2015: Al Qaddi N. Plant biodiversity in West Bank: strategic tools for
  • management and conservation. In: DEBPAL project - Final Report. Brussels Belgium;
  • - 19 th -23 th November 2013: Al Qaddi N. Conservation status of native species in West Bank:
  • biodiversity protection and management. In: DABPAL project deliverable 5.2. Torsanlorenzo,
  • RomaItaly;
  • - 25 th October, 2013: Participation in the conference at the University of Tuscia entitled:
  • “Transparent Conducting Oxide TCO monolayer-grown photonic cell: a renewable energy device
  • for the future.”- ViterboItaly;
  • - 20 th June 2013: the inte
    ational Round table Conference entitled Linking Nature, the
  • Enviroment, and Human Rights in going conflicts and post-conflicts areas of the Middle East and
  • Central Asia-RomeItaly
  • - 15 th – 17 th March 2012: the 7th Palestinian Conference of Laboratory Medicine-
  • BethlehemPalestine.


المنشورات / مؤلفات

Al-Qaddi et al. 2016.  An ecological niche modelling approach to assess present and future suitability areas of Quercuscoccefira L. in the Levant under climate change scenarieos. Published.

الجوائز ومراتب الشرف

  1. PhD scholarship in Italy, ( 13.6384,47 €)


Palm project with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)



الخبرات العملية

  1. Head of the department of the forensic science at Al-Istiqlal university




 EXCEL workshop with Open Skies Inte
ational Academy

Quality in medical laboratory programs with Open Skies Inte
ational Academy

29th September, 2014: Al Qaddi N. Plant biodiversity in West Bank: strategic tools for management and conservation. In: DEBPAL project - Palestinian national strategy for the protection of biodiversity, workshop. AlQuds University, West Bank Palestine;

29th April, 2014: workshop of the environmental situation in the Palestinian territory AlQuds university-Palestine;

5th -7thJuly, 2012: Basic molecular microbiology held in collaboration with the Arab Federation of Clinical Biology at the University of Jordan –AmmanJordan;

15th August, 2010- 30th October, 2010 (60 hours): English language course at Center for Labor Education-JerichoPalestine;

7th-8thJuly, 2010(12 hours): Diagnostic microbiology course at the laboratories of Medicare-RamallahPalestine.

21th December 2009- 12th January 2010(20 hours): Computer Foundation Course at Al-Istiqlal University-JerichoPalestine;

7th July 2007 (24 hours): Training course in strategic peace at Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) - RamallahPalestine.

الاهتمامات / المهارات



Member of Palestinian Medical Laboratory Association




Arabic: mother tongue.

- English: Level C1 (experience of over 10 years).

- Italian: Level B2 (more than one year experience).

- Complete knowledge of Microsoft Office package

- Some knowledge in Geographical Information System (GIS).

- Special laboratory techniques: DNA extraction, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), SDS-PAGE Gel Electrophoresis, Weste
Blot Technique, Phage display Peptide Library, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Agarose Gel Electrophoreses, DNA Purification, and DNA Barcoding.