ريما جابر

كلية القانون - قسم العلوم الشرطية والقانون

د. ريما جابر

أستاذ مساعد

2018- present:        PhD in Private Law from The World  Islamic Sciences& Education University.  

2002-2005:              M.A  Commercial Law from Institute of Law- Birzeit University.

1985-1991:              B.A in Law from Beirut Arab University.

1972-1984:              Dar Al- Fatat  Al-Laji'a High School –Jerusalem.


الخبرات العملية

2014- present:         An instructor at Al Istiqlal University

2010-2014:          Insntructor at Palestine Ahliya       University College.

2006-2009:           Instructor at in Alquds University.

2006-2009:          Instructor at in Open Education Program

1993-1994:          A trainee at Ramallah Court of appeals                               Mr. Shukri Nashashibi .

1992 – 1993:        A trainee at Mudhi Risheq Law Office.


2012:          Attended the clinical education training organized by UNDP'S Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People Partnership with the clinical legal education Programme at University of Weste
Ontario held in Ramallah Cities.



2004-2005:      Participated in legal research project   of "Informal justice: The Role of Lawyers in Protecting Human Rights of Law and Dispute in Palestine.( undertaken by Law Center-BirZeit University).

2001-2002:    Participated in legal research  project:

Pinal Legislative .(undertaken by          ALHaq).


2004-2005:     Participated in legal research project:

Divorce (undertaken by women's legal aid and counseling center in Jerusalem

الاهتمامات / المهارات

Writing reports.

Writing presentations.

Using Ms Word, Ms Excel and Inte

Good network skills.

Capacity to work under pressure with tight deadlines

 Capacity to work with a team.

 Able to move freely among the Palestinian cities.

 Valid Jerusalemite driver's license.



Languages:             Arabic, English, and Hebrew.