كلية العلوم الإدارية و المعلوماتية -مدير ادراة شؤون تكنولوجيا المعلومات
د. ماْمون ابوحلو
أستاذ مشاركالمنشورات / مؤلفات
الخبرات العملية
- Ass. prof at PASS
- Ass prof at QOU
- Resracher at BZU
- REserach at UNIMIB
- reseracher at POLIMI
- Eng. at Com
- TA at QU
- Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy, 2016
- Master of Science in Computing Systems Engineering,Politecnico di Milano University, Milano, Italy. ,2008
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. 2005
- Secondary School (Tawjihi) Certificate, Scientific Stream, 2005.
Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computing Systems Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Secondary School (Tawjihi) Certificate, Scientific Stream
الخبرات العملية
Sept. 2021- to present
Dean, Faculty of Information Technology
Sept. 2019- to 2021
Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality
Sept. 2016- to present
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information systems, Al-Istiqlal University
March-Aug 2016
ITC Consultant, Continuing Education and Community Service Center, Al-Quds Open University
Fall 2014
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Birzeit University, Palestine.
2012 - 2014
Academic Researcher, Birzeit University, Palestine.
Software Engineer
Bancor S.r.l. – via Luigi Vanvitelli 44, Milano
Research Assistant,Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano University, Italy.
Teacher Assistant, Computer Engineering Department, Al-Quds University. Palestine.
المنشورات / مؤلفات
Muhammad Ishaq, Adnan Abid, Muhammad Shoaib Farooq, Muhammad Faraz Manzoor, Uzma Farooq, Kamran Abid, Mamoun Abu Helou, Advances in database systems education: Methods, tools, curricula, and way forward. Educ Inf Technol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-11293-0
M. S. Farooq, S. Riaz, M. A. Helou, F. S. Khan, A. Abid and A. Alvi, "Inte
et of Things in Greenhouse Agriculture: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Protocols," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 53374-53397, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3166634 .
Khasawneh, Ahmad M., Mamoun A. Helou, Aanchal Khatri, Geetika Aggarwal, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Maryam Altalhi, Waheeb Abu-ulbeh, and Rabah AlShboul. 2022. "Service-Centric Heterogeneous Vehicular Network Modeling for Connected Traffic Environments" Sensors 22, no. 3: 1247. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22031247
Eman-Yaser Daraghmi, Mamoun Abu Helou, Yousef-Awwad Daraghmi, "A Blockchain-Based Editorial Management System", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2021, Article ID 9927640, 17 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9927640
Abu Helou, M., Evaluating the Impact of Semantic Gaps on Estimating the Similarity using Arabic Wordnet", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Jou
al, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 1315-1328 (2020). DOI: 10.25046/aj0505158
(Download: dataset, semantic Gaps List)
Abu Helou, M., Effects of Semantic Gaps on Arabic WordNet-Based Similarity Measures. The 3rd Inte
ational Conference on Innovative Computing, IEEE, Lahore, Pakistan (Nov, 2019). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8966672
Abu Helou, M., Palmonari, M. Multi-user Feedback for Large-scale Cross-lingual Ontology Matching. The 9th Inte
ational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development KEOD, Madeira, Portugal (2017). https://www.scitepress.org/Papers/2017/65032/65032.pdf
Abu Helou, M., Palmonari, M., and Jarrar, M. Effectiveness of automatic translations for cross-lingual ontology mapping. Jou
al of Artificial Intelligence Research, Special Track on Cross-language Algorithms and Applications (2016). https://doi.org/10.1613/jair.4789
Abu Helou, M., and Palmonari, M. Cross-lingual lexical matching with word translation
and local similarity optimization. In Proceedings of the 10th Inte
ational Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2015, Vienna, Austria (2015). https://doi.org/10.1145/2814864.2814888
Abu Helou, M., Palmonari, M. (2015). Upper Bound for Cross-Lingual Concept Mapping with Exte
al Translation Resources. In: Biemann, C., Handschuh, S., Freitas, A., Meziane, F., Métais, E. (eds) Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. NLDB 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9103. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19581-0_41
Abu Helou, M. Towards constructing linguistic ontologies: Mapping framework and preliminary experimental analysis. In Proceedings of the Second Doctoral Workshop in Artificial Intelligence (DWAI 2014) An official workshop of the 13th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2014), Pisa, Italy. (2014).
Abu Helou, M., Palmonari, M., Jarrar, M., and Fellbaum, C. Towards building linguistic ontology via cross-language matching. In Proceedings of the 7th Inte
ational Conference on Global WordNet , in Tartu (Estonia. (2014).
Abu Helou, M., Jarrar, M., Palmonari, M., Salhi, A., Hicks, A., Bortoli, S., Roche, C., Fellbaum, C., Bouquet, P., and Yahya, A. Arabization and multilingual knowledge sharing. In SIERA Project 2.1 Deliverable (2013).
Abid A., Tagliasacchi, M., and Abu Helou, M. Probabilistic Reporting for Top-K Queries. In Proc. of the 3rd Italian Information retrieval Workshop (IIR-2012), Bari, Italy (2012).
Abu Helou, M., Ontology Based Segmentation of Geo-Referenced Queries, First Inte
ational Workshop on Search, Exploration and Navigation of Web Data Sources. ICWE, Cyprus. (2011). Abu Helou, M., Segmentation of Geo-Referenced Queries.19th Italian Symposium on Advance Database Systems – SEBD, Maratea, Italy. (2011)
Abu Helou, M. Abid, A. Semantic Measures Based on WordNet using Multiple Information Sources. 2nd Int. joint conference on Knowledge Discovery, knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management IC3K/KDIR 2010, Valencia.
(KEOD 2017 ) The 9th Inte
ational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
(7th GWC’14 Panel Discussion) Cross-language mapping semantics, at 7th Global Wordnet Conference. January 25, 2014.
(iArabic’ 2014) the 3nd Palestinian Symposium on Computational Linguistics and Arabic Content . Birzeit University, Palestine. April 12, 2014
(OnToContent 2013) the 9th Inte
ational Workshop on Ontology Content
Part of the OnTheMove Conferences & Workshops. Graz, Austria Sep 2013
(iArabic’ 2013) the 2nd Palestinian Symposium on Computational Linguistics and Arabic Content . Birzeit University, Palestine. April 20, 2013
(KEOD 2017-2020 )
(ICIW 2017-2020)
(KEOD 2017 ) The 9th Inte
ational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
(ICIW 2017) The 12th Inte
ational Conference on Inte
et and Web Applications and Services
(KEOD 2016 ) The 8th Inte
ational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
(ICIW 2016) The 11th Inte
ational Conference on Inte
et and Web Applications and Services
(ISWC-PD 2015) The 14th Inte
ational Semantic Web Conference.
(AIIA-DC 2014) The 13th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence /Doctoral Consortium
(MTSR2014) The 8th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference.
(EKAW 2014) The 19th Inte
ational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.
(SITIS 2013) The 10th Inte
ational Conference on Signal Image Technology and Inte
et Based Systems.
(ISWC 2013) The 12th Inte
ational Semantic Web Conference.
(WI 2013) The IEEE/WIC/ACM Inte
ational Conference on Web Intelligence.
(COLING 2013) The 24th Inte
ational Conference on Computational Linguistics.
الجوائز ومراتب الشرف
- The Politecnico di Milano scholarship for MS.c degree.
- The Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education scholarship for BS.c Degree.
- Second place graduate, at Computer Engineering Dept. in BS.c degree.
- sGAT (Erasmus+)
- PASS-DSS (PASS & MHE fund)
- EW-Shopp project
- COMSODE Project
- SIERA project (FP7)
- Data Management : Databases and MIS
- Software Engineering (Outline 2018/2019)
- Programming Languages : OOP, C/C++
- Semantic Web: Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Computational Linguistic and NLP
- Data Structure (Outline 2018/2019)
- Algorithm Design and Analysis (Outline 2018/2019)
- Web Application (Outline 2019/2020)
- Computer Skills (Outline 2018/2019)
- eGoverment (Bachelor and Master level)
الملخص المهني
Dr. Mamoun Abu Helou is an Associate Professor in the Department of Data Science, Al-Istiqlal University. Currently Dr. Abu Helou is the Director, General Directorate of IT.
He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Milano Bicocca, Italy, in 2016
He also held the positions of President's Assistant for Planning, Development, and Quality, Dean of the Faculty of IT, and Chair of the Data Science department at Al-Istiqlal University
He has been associated with editorial boards of well-reputed jou
als in the area of computer science.
His research interests include systems computational, linguistics, computer education, data mining and machine lea
ing, data science, databases, and software engineering.
Abu Helou is a lecturer in Databases, Algorithms, and Software Engineering. He was involved in several EU funded projects with a focus on data oriented topics.