الخدمات / الأعمال إدارية
- Director of Graduate Studies 2017- 2019 , Al-ISTIQLAL UNIVERSITY
- Director of scientific research department 2019 – present, Al-ISTIQLAL UNIVERSITY
- A member of Scientific Research Council 2018 – present, Al-ISTIQLAL UNIVERSITY
- A member of ERASMUS + Committee 2017 – 2019, Al-ISTIQLAL UNIVERSITY
- A member of steering committee of Palestine Academy for Science and Technology 2018- at present.
- Director of Green Campus Committee , Al-Istiqlal University 2019- Present
- Deen of admission and registration. 2021-present
- Full doctoral scholarship, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, PhD 2012
- Inte
ational Climate Change Conference (COP 22), Marrakesh, Morocco 2016. - Supervisor of Project funded, Jordan university, Jordan, 2018- present
- Gained research scholarship coordination with Canadians, Montrial university, Canada (2018(inactive))
- Supervisor of Project funded by HEM, Al-Istiqlal University with Al-Najah University, Palestine. 2018-present.
- Supervisor of Project funded by HEM, Al-Istiqlal University with Al-Najah University, Palestine. 2018-present.
- Supervisor of Project funded by ERASMUS, Palestine. 2020-2023.
- Supervisor of Project funded by TUBITAK, Turkey. 2021-2023.
- Strategic planning and needs assessment determination by using participatory rapid action for local development. In Jordan with JICA (2006).
- Land and Water Resources Management: Irrigated Agriculture. In Bari- Italy with CIHEAM 2006.
- Integrated Best Management (IPM). In Aleppo with ICARDA (2007).
- Statistical Design and Data Analysis of Field Experiments in CAC. In Jordan with ICARDA 2010
- Application of Prediction Models in Environmental Engineering. Istanbul, Turkey 2014.
- A Palestinian Agriculture Innovation System: A strategy 2015-2025 and Plan 2016-2020.
(ICARDA: 2016), Jericho, Palestine.
- Climate Change Conference (COP 22), Marrakesh, Morocco 2016.
- "Palestinian – German Science Bridge PGSB" Workshop, Palestine 2017.
- Inte
ational conference of food security, workshop, Palestine 2017. - A Palestinian Agriculture Innovation System: A strategy and Plan, 25 November 2018, Palestine
- Symposium on “Simulation – based Sciences and Engineering” 7 – 9 March 2019, Palestine
- CLEAN- Soil, Air, Water (November 03,2015)
- Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly (April 20,2016)
- CLEAN- Soil, Air, Water (June 21,2016)
- Desalination and water treatment (July 21, 2016)
- Desalination and water treatment (August 01, 2016)
- Scientific Research Publishing ( September 12, 2016)
- Desalination and Water Treatment ( October 13, 2016)
- Chemical Engineering jou
al ( October 23, 2016)
المداخلات العلمية / مؤتمرات
- O, Hamed; R, Radad; S, Jodeh; A, Deghles; H, Qrareya; O, Dagdag; Kh, Azzaoui; R, AL-Kerm; R, Al-Kerm, G, Adwan (2021). Design, synthesis and antimicrobial properties of cellulose-based amine film. Polymer Bulletin, 1-15.
- O, Hamed; R, Al-Kerm; R, Al-Kerm; H, Qrareya; A, Deghles; O, Dagdage. (2021). Carboxymethylated Pulp as Starting Point to Prepare Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose with Enhanced Gel Rheological Properties in an Aqueous Medium. Bio-Resources 16 (1), 1453-1468.
- Deghles, A. (2019). Treatment of Tannery Wastewater by the Application of Electrocoagulation Process Using Iron and Aluminum Electrode. Green and Sustainable Chemistry 09(04):119-134
- Siam, L., Khatib, A., Anayah, F., Jodeh, SH., Hanbali, G., Khalaf , B., Deghles, A. (2019). Developing a Strategy to Recover Condensate Water from Air Conditioners in Palestine. Water 11(8):1696. DOI: 10.3390/w11081696.
- Hamed, H., Abu Lail, B., Deghles, A., Qasem, B., Azzaoui, KH., Abu Obied, A., Algarra, M., Jodeh, SH. (2019). Synthesis of a cross-linked cellulose-based amine polymer and its application in wastewater purification. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06001-4.
- Dagdag, O., Hanbali, G., Khalaf, B., Jodeh, SH., El Harfi, A., Deghles, A. (2019). Dual Component Polymeric Epoxy-Polyaminoamide Based Zinc Phosphate Anticorrosive Formulation for 15CDV6 Steel. Coatings, 9, 463; doi:10.3390/coatings9080463.
- Deghles, A., Hamed, O., Aza, M., Abu Lail, B., Azzaoui, KH., Abu Obied, A., Jodeh, SH. (2019). Cellulose with Bidenate Chelating Functionality: Synthesis and Application as an Adsorbent for Metal Ions from Wastewater. Biosource, 14(3), 6247-6266.
- Abu Obaid, A., Al-Masri1, M., Deghles, A., Taha, N., Jodeh. S., Smail. R. (2019). Functionalized C, N-Bipyrazole Receptor Grafted onto Silica Surface for Arsenic Adsorption and Its Antibacterial Activity. American Jou
al of Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2019.101004. - Deghles, A., Abu Obaid, A., Alkowni, R., Salman, M. T. Salman. (2018). Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Reed (Phragmites australis) as a Potential Clean Water Technology. Jou
al of Environment and Earth Science. ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online). Vol.8, No.12. - Deghles, A., & Kurt, U. (2016). Treatment of tannery wastewater by a hybrid electrocoagulation/ electrodialysis process. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 104, 43-50.
- Deghles, A., & Kurt, U. (2016). Treatment of raw tannery wastewater by electrocoagulation technique: optimization of effective parameters using Taguchi method. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(32), 14798-14809.
- Deghles, A., & Kurt, U. (2017). Hydrogen Gas Production from Tannery Wastewater by Electrocoagulation of a Continuous Mode with Simultaneous Pollutants Removal. IOSR Jou
al of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), Volume 10, Issue 3 Ver. I, DOI: 10.9790/5736-1003014050. - Orwah, J., Abueid, M., Daghlas, A., Zaid, M., Zaid, O., Al Ammor, J., "Characterization of Grey Water from Country-Side Decentralized Water Treatment Stations in Northe
Palestine. Jou
al of Environment and Earth Science, ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948, Vol 2, No.2.
المنشورات / مؤلفات
- Water quality management
- Models prediction application in environmental engineering
- Purification water technologies
- Energy and Material Recovering with Chemical Methods from Waste and Wastewater
- Green technologies for water /wastewater treatment (advanced)
- Renewable materials with high commercial values from agro-industry solid waste.
- Smart irrigation
الخبرات العملية
2016- Until now Scientific Research and Graduate Studies Faculty
(Al-Istiqlal University)
2005 - 2012 Researcher in Natural resource management at the National
Agricultural Research Center (NARC)
2004-2011 A part time Lecturer of Environmental Science in Al-Quds Open University, Nablus, Palestine.
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering. 2012- 2016
Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul /Turkey
M.Sc. Environmental Science
An-Najah National University, Nablus/ Palestine 2000-2004
B.Sc Plant Protection and Production
An-Najah National University, Nablus/Palestine 1994-1999
الملخص المهني
in Nablus, Palestine, Abdalhadi Deghles studied environmental engineering at Yildiz technical university in turkey, graduating in July 2016. He is an Associate Professor of deanship of scientific research and graduate studies, at Alistiqlal University, Jericho/ Palestine. His areas of interest include design of water/wastewater treatment plants, Energy and Material Recovering with Chemical Methods from Waste and Wastewater, Models prediction application in environmental engineering, Advanced Oxidation Processes and Fuzzy-logic methodology. His current research interests include the green technologies for renewable materials with high commercial values from agro-industry solid waste.