كلية العلوم الإدارية و المعلوماتية - قسم الادارة العامة والعلوم العسكرية
د. مرفت شاهين
أستاذ مساعدالتعليم
Sept. 2007- April, 2012: PhD (Administrative Sciences-
Entrepreneurship) with DISTINCTION. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dec. 2005- June. 2007: M.Sc. (Philosophy and Science and Technology Policy Studies), University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Project title: "A Framework For University-Industry Relationships For The Advancement Of Science & Technology As An Enabled And Enabling Force In Palestine”.
1994-1998: B.Sc. Bachelor of Science in Biology, Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine.
September, 1997 Inte
ational Correspondence Schools, USA
Diploma in Child Day Care.
الخبرات العملية
Experience 2021 - Now 2021 - Now
2021 - Now
2021 - now
January, 2020
Sep, 2019 - Present
2019 - 2020
May, 2019 - Aug, 2019
May - July, 2017
Oct, 2018 - present
Jan, 2017 - Present
May - July, 2017
Jan, 2017 - Aug, 2018.
Jan, 2016 -2018
2013 -2016
Feb, 2012 - Aug, 2019.
Sept. 2015 – 2018
September, 2014 – April, 2018
April 30 – June ,2014
January – April 2013
August 2009
April – May 2009
2007 – 2009
2007 - 2010
Training ORCAS Company Employees on administrative and technical skills. 20hrs.
Three courses (3 crdhs for each course) have been developed: Entrepreneurial New Venture Creation and Project Management, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Family business administration. In addition to 10 training hours of TOT in the field of Entrepreneurship and Project Management that targets the potential instructors of the course.
PalPreneur Center for Training, Consultancy and Research, founded on October, 2016.
"Development and Improvement of Agricultural Practical Courses" for Hebron University, consisting of 50 training hrs. This project aimed to train about 270 students at Hebron University to become skilled, innovative agricultural engineers through improving the practical-training portions of the Faculty of Agriculture’s BSc courses. Also, the proposal assesses the capacity building for Agriculture College Staff at Hebron University in Proposal writing and projects management. training is based-on the rising trends of the local and regional market needs, and aims at upgrading the skills of our staff and qualifying them to meet the market needs, thus, increasing the student’s qualifications to be prepared to engage in any working field.
Coordinating and locally manage the program, which involves 30+ schools in Hebron Gove
Training education supervisors of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Palestine, within the Educational Supervision Diploma program, as part of the LTD program. Trained FIVE groups in different districts of the west Bank.
Trainer and Facilitator for teachers with the Leadership and Teacher Development (LTD) Program which is jointly implemented by Ministry of Education (Palestine) and AMIDEAST, with support from USAID, that will last until end of Scholastic year 2015-2017.
These training packages are developed train school teachers in KSA, and accredited by the Ministry of Education of KSA, and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). In addition, I serve as a referee for evaluating other training packages (courses) developed by others.
Creating an instrument to measure life skills and thinking patte
Trainer for Entrepreneurs within Build Your Business program (BYB), Training set by Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI). The Training falls under the framework of “Intilaq” project, implemented by PICTI with support from the Youth Entrepreneurship Development (YED) Program, implemented by the Inte
Consultant for 7 groups of Entrepreneurs within “My project starts with an idea” Project at Friends of Fawzi Kawash IT Center of Excellence, Palestine Polytechnic University. The project is sponsored and funded by Palestine Investment Fund. Motivating and encouraging those groups were a co
Dept of Sc. & Tech. Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. Duties involved assisting postgraduate students in their data collection and analysis. As an example, “MY KAD Applications”, by Mr. Mohammed Azlan. This project was to improve and enhance the Malaysian ID smart card by adding more facilities and applications.
A project that was carried on under the authority of Ministry of Science and Technology, Malaysia. This project was undertaken for the benefit of MOST as part of a larger project to determine the feasibility of implementing phase 2 of Malaysian Space Project. Main role was , in addition to coordinating team work, to investigate, collect and analyse data needed to be used for decision making on phase 2.
Dept of Sc. & Tech. Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, led by Dr Wan Norlidah Al-Qadri. Duties involve coordinating tasks and activities of the group, leading meetings and discussions on matters of interest to the group. And resolving problems and conflicting issues.
Taught Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
الزمالات / المنح
Granted the University of Malaya Scholarship Scheme (covering all fees and monthly allowance) for the PhD studies.
المداخلات العلمية / مؤتمرات
Conference Papers
- Shahin, G. and Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2014), Technopreneur and knowledge economy as a driving force for economic development in Palestine, Competitiveness, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Tools for Economic Growth in Palestine Conference, organized by Birzeit University and Ministry of national Economy, Birzeit University, 20-11-2014.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2014). Develop the conception of e-lea
ing and its use in the “teaching-lea
ing” process for Technology Teachers, In the “Teacher Educator Enhancement Program” (TEEP) Conference, organized under the “Leadership and Teacher Development” (LTD) Program, Ministry of Education (Palestine) and AMIDEAST, with support from USAID, Ramallah, Palestine, April 25, 2014.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2013). Entrepreneurship and Education in Palestine, In the Scientific Day in Entrepreneurship and Business Best Practices (EBBP), Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine, April 29, 2013. Guest Speaker
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2012), “The Concept of Tri Relationship in Economic Development” In Second Tri Partnership Conference – Academic, Gove
ment, Industry Partnership (AGIP), Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine, July 3rd, 2012. Guest Speaker
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & Thiruchelvam, K. (2010), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation: The Case Of The Palestinian Diaspora” In Proceedings of Globelics 2010, 8th Inte
ational Conference, “Making Innovation
Work for Society: Linking, Leveraging and Lea
ing”, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2010.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & Thiruchelvam, K. (2009) “Diaspora Entrepreneurial Knowledge Networks: A Strategic Option for Medium and Low Income Countries” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Conference on Advanced Management Science – ICAMS 2009) April 17 – 20, 2009
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & AlQadri, W. N. (2008), “University-Industry Linkage, An Underpinning Force Of The Diaspora In A Globalised Knowledge Economy”
In Proceedings of Inte
ational Technology, Education and Development Conference, Spain, 3rd -5th March 2008.
- AlQadri, W. N. & Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2008), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain, And The Muslim Diaspora – Part I” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology, “Reviving the Supremacy of Islamic Science”, Kuala Lumpur, 18th -19th March 2008.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & AlQadri, W. N. (2008), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain, And The Muslim Diaspora – Part II” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology, “Reviving the Supremacy of Islamic Science”, Kuala Lumpur, 18th -19th March 2008.
Conferences (Attendance only)
- Inte
ational Conference On Technology Management, ICTM 2006, 4 & 5 December 2006, Venue: Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Kuala Lumpur
- Inte
ational Conference on Science and Technology: Application in Industry and Education 2006 (ICSTIE 2006), 08th – 10th December 2006, Organized By: Universiti Teknologi Mara Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Master Courses Taken |
Professional Qualifications |
Special and Professional Training/ Courses/ Workshops |
“PMP” training at AMIDEAST, Ramallah, May, 2014 – September, 2014.
Public Talks
“SMEs, The Malaysian Experience”, Second Economic Conference; “SMEs: Reality, Challenges and Future”, organised and hosted by Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 17th, Dec. 2014. Guest Speaker.
“Entrepreneurship & Knowledge Economy” in a workshop titled “Improving capacity and capability of information technology in the State of Palestine”, held by Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT), Ramallah, Palestine, 26 January, 2014.
“National Innovation System” in a workshop titled “Improving capacity and capability of information technology in the State of Palestine”, held by Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT), Ramallah, Palestine, 26 January, 2014.
“Entrepreneurship in the State of Palestine”, Global Entrepreneurship Week (2013) / Palestine. Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), 19-11-2013.
الاهتمامات / المهارات
- Skillful in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point,
etc…), - - Inte
et browsing, and other software packages.
- Data analysis using SPSS.
Data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) through AMOS program
- Arabic (Mother language),
- English (Very Good),
- Malay (Poor)
- Hebrew (Poor)
المنشورات / مؤلفات
Conference Papers
Work for Society: Linking, Leveraging and Lea
In Proceedings of Inte
Conferences (Attendance only)
المنشورات / مؤلفات
Research/ Publications |
Master’s Project "A Framework For University-Industry Relationships For The Advancement Of Science & Technology As An Enabled And Enabling Force In Palestine”, 2007, published.
- Reviewer for inte - Reviewer for ICBT2022 Conference (Scopus), Istanbul, Turkey.
Under review
ISBN 978-3-659-34401-5
ISBN 978-3-659-34401-5
Invited for publication by Social Science Jou
Conference Papers
- Shahin, G. and Shahin, M. (2021) Technopreneur and digital economy as a driving force for the economic development in Palestine, The Inte
ational Conference on Business and Technology ICBT2022 Conference (Scopus), 6-7 November 2021, Istanbul, Turkey, organized by EUROMID Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT).
- Shahin, G. and Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2014), Technopreneur and knowledge economy as a driving force for economic development in Palestine, Competitiveness, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Tools for Economic Growth in Palestine Conference, organized by Birzeit University and Ministry of national Economy, Birzeit University, 20-11-2014.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2014). Develop the conception of e-lea
ing and its use in the “teaching-lea
ing” process for Technology Teachers, In the “Teacher Educator Enhancement Program” (TEEP) Conference, organized under the “Leadership and Teacher Development” (LTD) Program, Ministry of Education (Palestine) and AMIDEAST, with support from USAID, Ramallah, Palestine, April 25, 2014.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2013). Entrepreneurship and Education in Palestine, In the Scientific Day in Entrepreneurship and Business Best Practices (EBBP), Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine, April 29, 2013. Guest Speaker
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2012), “The Concept of Tri Relationship in Economic Development” In Second Tri Partnership Conference – Academic, Gove
ment, Industry Partnership (AGIP), Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine, July 3rd, 2012. Guest Speaker
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & Thiruchelvam, K. (2010), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Circulation: The Case Of The Palestinian Diaspora” In Proceedings of Globelics 2010, 8th Inte
ational Conference, “Making Innovation Work for Society: Linking, Leveraging and Lea
ing”, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2010.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & Thiruchelvam, K. (2009) “Diaspora Entrepreneurial Knowledge Networks: A Strategic Option for Medium and Low Income Countries” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Conference on Advanced Management Science – ICAMS 2009) April 17 – 20, 2009 Singapore. Published by IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, INDEXED BY ISI THOMPSON
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & AlQadri, W. N. (2008), “University-Industry Linkage, An Underpinning Force Of The Diaspora In A Globalised Knowledge Economy” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Technology, Education and Development Conference, Spain, 3 - 5 March 2008.
- AlQadri, W. N. & Sharabati-Shahin, M. (2008), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain, And The Muslim Diaspora – Part I” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology, “Reviving the Supremacy of Islamic Science”, Kuala Lumpur, 18th -19th March 2008.
- Sharabati-Shahin, M. & AlQadri, W. N. (2008), “Brain Drain, Brain Gain, And The Muslim Diaspora – Part II” In Proceedings of Inte
ational Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology, “Reviving the Supremacy of Islamic Science”, Kuala Lumpur, 18th -19th March 2008.
Conferences (Attendance only)
- Inte
ational Conference On Technology Management, ICTM 2006, 4 & 5 December 2006, Venue: Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Kuala Lumpur
- Inte
ational Conference on Science and Technology: Application in Industry and Education 2006 (ICSTIE 2006), 08th – 10th December 2006, Organized By: Universiti Teknologi Mara Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.