كلية العلوم الإدارية و المعلوماتية - قسم الادارة العامة والعلوم العسكرية
د. ايمن احمد
أستاذ مساعدالتعليم
1- PhD in public administration
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
2- Master 2008,
Planning Urban Regional- Najah National University –Nablus –Palestine.
3- Bachelor 2003,
Business Administration – Najah National University –Nablus –Palestine
الخبرات العملية
- 15Agust 2005- 15Feb 2008 Executive Director.
- 2004 Work Field Researcher in the Palestine Center Bureau of Statistics, Social and economic implications of expansion and annexation. Census facilities and Economic survey.
- 2004 Official Registration Center in the Center Election Commission Palestinian.
- Work in the Foundation U.N.D.B Field Researcher.
الاهتمامات / المهارات
- Excellent computer skills.
- Ability to work with the team and bear the pressure of work.
- Ability to organize and coordination social activity.