محمد هلسه

كلية العلوم الإدارية و المعلوماتية - قسم الادارة العامة والعلوم العسكرية

د. محمد هلسه

أستاذ مساعد
المنشورات / مؤلفات

Research, books, conferences


Measuring Recipient Satisfaction of the Service in the Public Service Centers in the Palestinian Municipalities, (Joint) , Scientific Jou
al of Al-Quds Open University, No. 35, 2015, Palestine.


Principles and classifications of creativity and innovation and their relevance to contemporary business system, Refereed Scientific Jou
al of Al-Arabi Bin Mahdi University - Issue 6, December 2016, Algeria.


The role of (gove
mental, private and civil sectors) in solving the problem of unemployment of graduates from Palestinian universities,
the Scientific Jou
al of Istiqlal University - Volume 1, Issue 2, 2017, Palestine.


Knowledge Management and its Relation to the Level of Excellence in Performance from the View Point of Faculty Members at the AL-Istiqlal University, the Refereed Scientific Jou
al of Istiqlal University - Volume 3 Issue 1, 2018, Palestine.


The Role of Transformational Leadership - between Challenges and Opportunities - in Applying the Comprehensive Quality at Al-Istiqlal University in Palestine, European Jou
al of Business and Management
,Vol 11,No.36 ,2019,USA.


The Impact of Administrative Training on the Performance of the Municipalities of Jerusalem's Municipalities, Al-Aseel Jou
al for Economic and Administrative Research, Abbas Lghor Khenchela University, Publication in the June issue (2020), Algeria.


Managing the Corona pandemic crisis and its impact on local production in Palestinian business companies, Al-Mayadin Economic Jou
al - Volume 4, Number 1, 2021, pp. 7-32, Algeria.



Unpublished Researches

2008- Gove
ance in the management of local affairs in Palestine" -PhD thesis.

Enhancing the competitiveness of business organizations in the context of globalization and uncertain environment (corporate gove
ance and engineering).

The Administrative Status of Palestinian Meat Industry Companies, an Empirical Study on Al-Hayat Foodstuff Company.

Human Resources Management and Development Strategies to meet the Challenges of Globalization and its Possibility to Apply in the Palestinian Health Sector.

Palestinian Consumer Protection Law: Theory and Practice from the Perspective of Retailers. Field Study on Retail Stores in Jerusalem Gove



Public Administration,(joint), (entries-elements-skills) 2021, (Curriculum in AL-Istiqlal University).

Management training (under authoring).



2019 - 2nd Inte
ational Conference, Quality in Higher Education, Ibn Zahar University, Agadir, Morocco.

2016 - Inte
ational Scientific Conference, Sustainability and Performance Excellence in Organizations in an Uncertain Environment, University of Jordan and Al-Quds Open University, held at the University of Jordan – Jordan.

2015 - 14th Scientific Conference, Business Innovation Management, Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan.

2014 - Fourth Scientific Conference, Human Resources Development, Palestine National University, Palestine.

الملخص المهني

PhD in Management and Development, former employee in Palestinian Ministry of Local Gove
ment, worked in the field of human resources management and also strategic planning and quality assurance, currently Dean of faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at AL-Istiqlal University.



2008 - Ph.D. in Management and Development with excellent grade Abdelmalek AL-Saadi University - Morocco.

2003 - Master of Business Administration with very good grade - Al-Quds University - Palestine.

2001 - BA of Business Administration with very good grade -Al-Quds Open University -Palestine.

الخبرات العملية

  • Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at AL-Istiqlal University (since September 2019 until now).
  • Assistant of the President for Planning, Development and Quality – AL-Istiqlal University February 2017 - September 2019.
  • Faculty member - Faculty of Administrative Sciences – AL-Istiqlal University (since September 2015 until now).
  • Several positions in Palestinian Ministry of Local Gove
    ment, (2003-2015) most recently Deputy Director of Human Resources Development and Training.
  • Part-time faculty member, Al-Quds Open University, Bethlehem Branch, (2004-2016).
  • 2019- Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, AL-Istiqlal University.
  • 2017 – 2019 Assistant of the President for Planning, Development and Quality, AL-Istiqlal University.
  • 2019- Master Thesis as an exte
    al examiner at Al-Quds University.
  • Since 2015 - Faculty member, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, AL- Istiqlal University.
  • 2004 – 2015 (faculty member - part-time) Al-Quds Open University.
  • 2010 - Online teaching (virtual classes)
  • 2003 – 2015 Individual management - several administrative positions in the Ministry of Local Gove
  • 2010- Workshop facilitator to review the strategic plan of the Palestinian Municipal Finance Fund.
  • 1996 - President of the first local council (municipality) of the AL- Swahreh AL-Sharqeyah village.
  • Certified trainer from the Ministry of Local Gove
    ment, UNDP and UN HABITAT in training and training of trainers (TOT), in administration and strategic planning.
  • Member of many committees at AL-Istiqlal University.

المنشورات / مؤلفات


  • "قياس رضا متلقي الخدمة في مراكز خدمات الجمهور في البلديات الفلسطينية"، المجلة العلمية المحكمة لجامعة القدس المفتوحة – العدد 35 ج1، 2015، فلسطين.
  • "مبادئ وتصنيفات الابداع والابتكار واهميتها لمنظومة الاعمال المعاصرة"، المجلة العلمية المحكمة لجامعة العربي بن مهدي-العدد السادس، ديسمبر 2016، الجزائر.
  • "دور القطاع العام والخاص والأهلي في حل مشكلة بطالة خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية" المجلة العلمية المحكمة لجامعة الاستقلال – المجلد 1 عدد 2، 2017، فلسطين.
  • "إدارة المعرفة وعلاقتها بمستوى التميّز في الأداء من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعة الاستقلال" المجلة العلمية المحكمة لجامعة الاستقلال – المجلد 3العدد1، 2018، فلسطين.
  • دور القيادة التحويلية - بين التحديات والفرص – في تطبيق الجودة الشاملة، دراسة تطبيقية على جامعة الاستقلال – فلسطين. 2019 ، قيد النشر.
  • "الحكامة في تدبير الشؤون المحلية في فلسطين" – رسالة دكتوراه 2008 (غير منشورة).
  • "تعزيز قدرة منظمات الاعمال على المنافسة في ظل العولمة وبيئة عدم التأكد (حوكمة وهندرة المنظمات نموذجاً)"، غير منشور.
  • "الواقع الاداري لشركات صناعة اللحوم الفلسطينية -دراسة تطبيقية على شركة الحياة للمواد الغذائية"، غير منشور.
  • "استراتيجيات ادارة وتنمية الموارد البشرية لمواجهة تحديات العولمة وامكانية تطبيقها في القطاع الصحي الفلسطيني"، غير منشور.
  • "قانون حماية المستهلك الفلسطيني بين النظرية والتطبيق من وجهة نظر تجار التجزئة"، دراسة ميدانية على متاجر التجزئة في محافظة القدس، غير منشور.



  • الإدارة العامة (المداخل- العناصر- المهارات) 2013 (يدرّس في جامعة الاستقلال).
  • التدريب في الادارة (قيد التأليف).
  • Measuring Recipient Satisfaction of the Service in the Public Service Centers in the Palestinian Municipalities, (Joint) , Scientific Jou
    al of Al-Quds Open University, No. 35, 2015, Palestine.
  • Principles and classifications of creativity and innovation and their relevance to contemporary business system, Refereed Scientific Jou
    al of Al-Arabi Bin Mahdi University - Issue 6, December 2016, Algeria.
  • The role of (gove
    mental, private and civil sectors) in solving the problem of unemployment of graduates from Palestinian universities, the Scientific Jou
    al of Istiqlal University - Volume 1, Issue 2, 2017, Palestine.
  • Knowledge Management and its Relation to the Level of Excellence in Performance from the View Point of Faculty Members at the AL-Istiqlal University, the Refereed Scientific Jou
    al of Istiqlal University - Volume 3 Issue 1, 2018, Palestine.
  • The Role of Transformational Leadership - between Challenges and Opportunities - in Applying the Comprehensive Quality at Al-Istiqlal University in Palestine, 2019, Publishing Procedures.
  • :Unpublished Researches
  • 2008- Gove
    ance in the management of local affairs in Palestine" -PhD thesis.
  • Enhancing the competitiveness of business organizations in the context of globalization and uncertain environment (corporate gove
    ance and engineering).
  • The Administrative Status of Palestinian Meat Industry Companies, an Empirical Study on Al-Hayat Foodstuff Company.
  • Human Resources Management and Development Strategies to meet the Challenges of Globalization and its Possibility to Apply in the Palestinian Health Sector.
  • Palestinian Consumer Protection Law: Theory and Practice from the Perspective of Retailers. Field Study on Retail Stores in Jerusalem Gove
  • :Books
  • Public Administration,(joint), (entries-elements-skills) 2013, (Curriculum in AL-Istiqlal University).
  • Management training (under authoring).


المساقات التي قمت بتدريسها في جامعة القدس المفتوحة منذ عام 2004 حتى عام 2015


اسم المساق


اسم المساق


مبادئ الادارة


الاقتصاد الفلسطيني


الادارة في التراث العربي والاسلامي


الاقتصاد الاسلامي


الادارة الاستراتيجية


الاقتصاد الجزئيMicroeconomic


الادارة الدولية


الاقتصاد الكليMacroeconomic


الادارة المحلية في فلسطين والعالم العربي


تاريخ الفكر الاقتصادي


ادارة الجودة والمواصفات (الجودة الشاملة)


أسس الاستثمار


ادارة التأمين


النقود والمصارف


ادارة المبيعات


مبادئ التسويق


إدارة الشراء والتخزين


تسويق الخدمات


ادارة العمليات الانتاجية


القانون التجاري


إدارة الازمات


مبادئ القانون وحقوق الانسان


إدارة الموارد البشرية


الاعمال الالكترونية


السلوك التنظيمي


سياسات التسعير


التنظيم والأساليب وادارة المكاتب


اشراف على مشاريع تخرّج الطلبة لشهادة BA


المراسلات التجارية



المساقات التي قمت بتدريسها في جامعة الاستقلال منذ الفصل الاول 2015 وحتى الآن:


اسم المساق


اسم المساق


التنظيم والادارة


إدارة التنمية


الادارة المحلية في فلسطين


الإدارة الاستراتيجية


الرقابة في الادارة


الاشراف على مشاريع تخرّج الطلبة في تخصص الادارة العامة - بكالوريوس.


قضايا ادارية معاصرة


مبادئ الإدارة العامة – ماجستير الإدارة العامة


العلاقات العامة في الادارة


الحكم الرشيد – ماجستير الإدارة العامة


الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص


الاشراف على بعض رسائل ماجستير الإدارة العامة.


الاهتمامات / المهارات

  • Ability to work within a team and to lead and manage a team Decision-maker in changing circumstances.
  • Ability to work under pressure and with the least instructions and directions.
  • Good knowledge in using computer (office programs) and Inte
    et application.
  • Driving license.

المداخلات العلمية / مؤتمرات

  • 2019 - 2nd Inte
    ational Conference, Quality in Higher Education, Ibn Zahar University, Agadir, Morocco.
  • 2016 - Inte
    ational Scientific Conference, Sustainability and Performance Excellence in Organizations in an Uncertain Environment, University of Jordan and Al-Quds Open University, held at the University of Jordan – Jordan.
  • 2015 - 14th Scientific Conference, Business Innovation Management, Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan.
  • 2014 - Fourth Scientific Conference, Human Resources Development, Palestine National University, Palestine.


  • Courses I have been teaching at Al-Quds Open University since 2004 until 2015.
  • Principles of administration
  • Management in the Arab and Islamic heritage
  • Strategic management
  • Inte
    ational Management
  • Local Administration in Palestine and the Arab World
  • Quality Management and Specifications (Comprehensive Quality)
  • Insurance management
  • Sales Administration
  • Purchase and storage management
  • Production Operations Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Organizational behavior
  • Organization, methods and office management
  • Business correspondence
  • Palestinian Economy
  • Islamic Economy
  • Microeconomic
  • Macroeconomic
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Investment Basics
  • Money and banks
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Marketing Services
  • Commercial Law
  • Principles of Law and Human Rights
  • Electronic Business
  • Pricing policies
  • Supervising BA graduation projects
  • Courses taught at AL- Istiqlal University since the first semester 2015 until now.
  • Organization and Management
  • Local Administration in Palestine
  • Oversight in management
  • Contemporary administrative issues
  • Public Relations in Management
  • Public - Private Partnership
  • Development Management
  • Strategic management
  • Supervising BA graduation projects
  • Principles of Public Administration - Master of Public Administration
  • Good Gove
    ance - Master of Public Administration
  • Supervisor - master theses of students of public administration

الخبرات العملية

Work Information:

Dean of Scientific Centers - AL-Istiqlal University (2021/2022).

Assistant Academic Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research - AL-Istiqlal University (2020/ September 2021).

Dean of Faculty Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at AL-Istiqlal University (2019/2020).

Assistant President for Planning, Development and Quality – AL-Istiqlal University February 2017 - September 2019.

Faculty member – Faculty Administrative Sciences – AL-Istiqlal University (since September 2015 until now).

Several positions in Palestinian Ministry of Local Gove
ment, (2003-2015) most recently Deputy Director of Human Resources Development and Training.

Part-time faculty member, Al-Quds Open University, Bethlehem Branch, 2004-2015.